At the beginning of 2021 I began teaching a Bible study on the book of Exodus. The first week, as I set the context for the girls who were part of the study, I was absolutely and unexpectedly moved emotionally. I’m talking, out of nowhere I started sobbing uncontrollably- and not a cute cry but an ugly, snotty heart sob!I look back now at that night and realise that God had began a work in me that I wouldn’t realise for a few more months.
[Has that ever happened to you? You’ve looked back and can clearly see that God had began something in you before you even realised?]
I knew that in the coming weeks we were going to study the story of God freeing His people after 430 years of slavery in Egypt but I had no clue what God was about to do in me and my family. If I can be honest, I started Exodus feeling quite confident, I mean… if you’re like me and you’ve grown up in church, then you’ve been hearing the story of Moses FOREVER! But my goodness- nothing could have prepared me and reminded me that the more we read the Word, the more we don’t know and somehow after years of reading and knowing this story, there was a pivotal line that I had never seen before.
It astounds me that a story from thousands of years ago can hold so much weight for us today and that the words that God spoke to the children of Israel are somehow relevant today. Only God can manage to do that.
After being enslaved for over 400 years and then witnessing incredible miracles (water to blood, flies and frogs, the death of the first born) the Israelites must have felt a mix of relief, awe and a little bit of trepidation as they embarked on their journey to freedom (note that freedom is a journey… it can take time because God is more interested in how we grow during the process than the destination). God had proven true to His word! The words He spoke to Abraham in Genesis 15 were not just empty words, but proof that Israel could trust God, despite His silence over the past generations. And the same remains for us…
God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23.19).
(feel free to read our blog “Silent Season” )
Freedom is a journey… it can take time because God is more interested in how we grow during the process than in the destination.
The last thing Israel probably expected when they victoriously walked out of Egypt was a grieving Pharaoh in pursuit of them- I mean talk about confusing!! Wasn’t Pharaoh the one who let them go and all of a sudden he is chasing after them with his entire army.
And here is the verse that amazed me;
“But the Egyptians pursued them with all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, as well as his charioteers and his army, and overtook them as they were encamped by the sea…” (Exodus 14.9)
EXCUSE ME- did I just read that right? Pharaoh OVERTOOK Israel? It can’t be! I grew up on The Prince of Egypt and so in my mind’s eye, when Moses stretched out his staff over the Red Sea, there was a safe distance between Israel and Pharaoh; yes I’m sure Israel would have felt a bit of adrenaline and maybe even some fear but they were fine, the pillar of fire was behind them and Pharaoh was still coming on the horizon.
NOT ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE! “Overtook” from the Hebrew word nāśag (H5381) which literally means; to overtake, to reach or to be able to secure. This definitely paints a very different picture for me. God set Israel free and almost immediately they were faced with a situation in which it appeared that they were trapped. BUT GOD…
If Pharaoh represents the enemy in our life then this is no surprise. The enemy is the father of lies (John 8.44), he cannot be trusted and he wants you completely enslaved and in bondage all the days of your life. Like Pharaoh, the enemy does not want us free, he wants us bound, small and apart from God. Jesus Himself told us that the enemy has one plan for us, to kill us, steal from us and completely destroy us (John 10.10)
If Pharaoh represents the enemy in our life then it's little wonder that often when we step into freedom and begin to see breakthrough, we soon feel completely assaulted and attacked in the very area where we have broken free in. Just like Pharaoh and the Egyptians, it can feel like we have been overtaken, surrounded on every side.
I don’t know about you, but for me it often makes me feel so discouraged and makes me begin to wonder why I even bothered.
Why fight for freedom? Why fight to break bondages and addictions and habits and generational patterns and cycles because it’s just too hard!
Here’s why… “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit to the yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5.1) Jesus willingly went to the cross and died a brutal death so that we could be saved and live in freedom. I fight for freedom in my life to honour what Jesus did for me on the cross. I choose to break generational patterns and habits to honour the One who gave His life for me.
Have you ever noticed how much Israel’s exodus from Egypt was pure FAITH. And just like Israel our freedom journey takes faith.
1. In FAITH we step out of our “Egypt”
– God created the way out for Israel, but they had to physically leave Egypt for themselves. Jesus has done the work for us on the cross, we just need to make the choice to step out of what is holding us captive.
{addictions, lies, fear, insecurity, pride, shame, guilt}
2. In FAITH we look ahead even when we feel walled in
– In the natural Israel were completely surrounded, an ocean in front of them and Pharaoh’s army behind them. That's exactly how is can feel for us, IMPOSSIBLE. The lure of what we left is so much easier. It’s so hard to fight for something new. And that is why we need to fix our eyes firmly on Jesus our Saviour. It is in Him and through Him that we have victory.
3. In FAITH keep walking even when it feels like a raging ocean
– Israel had to walk through an ocean! That would have taken so much faith and trust knowing that at any moment the water could cascade on them.
Keep walking!! When it’s scary- keep going. When it’s hard- keep going. When it’s lonely- keep going. Freedom is just ahead.
When Israel stood on the banks of the Red Sea they were exactly where God needed them, positioned perfectly for Him to show Himself faithful and true. With the enemy behind them and an obstacle ahead, their only choice was complete and unadulterated faith and trust in God.
Be encouraged. If you are feeling stuck and trapped, overtaken by the enemy, look up. Fix your eyes on Jesus. He has got you, He is for you, He has already paid for your freedom and He will continue to walk a miraculous and redemptive journey with you.
With love, Cailin x
This was just what I needed to hear today. As we start a new year, I’m already feeling tired about pushing through the difficult things that I know lie ahead of me, but God prepares us, and is with us, for the battles we will face.