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Writer's picture: FirstLove MovementFirstLove Movement

I sincerely believe that one of the ways to gauge the depth of a relationship is whether or not it can withstand silence.

I know it may seem funny, but I honestly think that when there is substance, maturity and a mutual feeling of safety in a relationship, silence is not a problem or a threat. When I am with people who know me deeply and who I know deeply, people I feel safe with, people I enjoy, there is no pressure to speak. Be honest, we’ve all probably been in a situation where 30 seconds of silence has felt like an awkward eternity. You feel a bit clammy and your heart races as you wrack your brain to think of something to say, ANYTHING! There’s pressure, unspoken expectations and just a general feeling of unease.

There are numerous times in scripture where God seems to suddenly go silent and interestingly after that “silence” the most miraculous and incredible fruit has been produced.

~ Silence for Abraham resulted in the birth of Isaac (keep in mind it was 25 years after God called Abraham that Isaac was born- 25 years in which God was predominantly quiet)

~ 400 years of silence for Israel, whilst enslaved, resulted in a miraculous rescue and redemption. 400 years!! I can’t imagine that. I’m frustrated when I have to wait 5 minutes.

~ Silence for David (I say silence because after he was anointed by Samuel, he was basically on the run till Saul died) resulted in the most dynamic kingly reign.

~ Silence for Esther resulted in the salvation of her people (notice how the name of God is never used in the book of Esther). God did not directly speak to Esther about going before the King; with great faith, she took a great risk.

~ Silence for 400 years (in what is often referred to as the “silent years” between the Old and New Testaments) resulted in the birth of our Saviour and Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Silence is not a punishment. It doesn’t mean that God has forgotten you or abandoned you and He is DEFINITELY NOT giving you the silent treatment. I believe that silence can fortify our faith in ways that we can never imagine. Silence seems to take us from HOPE and EXPECTANCY to tenacious FAITH and ENDURANCE where we have to trust a little bit harder to hold on to what He has spoken. It’s a season where God allows us to exercise our faith muscle like never before.

Maybe you are waiting on a promise. Maybe you have started to doubt God because of your circumstance. Can I encourage you to hold on, keep trusting and don’t grow weary. Just because God is not working according to your schedule, does not mean that He is not working at all.

He is not like us. When someone gives me the silent treatment it makes me feel like I have done something wrong and that I have to pay a penance for my “mistake”. This is not the case with our Lord.

While He is silent, He is still at work and we can rest in that truth. He loves you and He is not disappointed in you.

In Psalm 46.10, God declares; “Be still and know that I am God” almost preempting that there would be seasons of silence and encouraging us in those still seasons to remember that He is still God. Do you know what that word know means? Quite literally, to know, to perceive, to recognize, admit, acknowledge, find out and discern So while I know that it’s easy for me to say this, if you are in a season where God seems quiet, instead of freaking out and trying to do things in your own strength, take this time to know, acknowledge and find out for yourself that HE IS GOD. Rest in His presence. He has got you and is no doubt doing an incredible and deep work in you and your situation. I’ve learnt through my own experience that more often than not God is working more in ME than He is in my situation because I am what matters most to Him. He wants me to be whole and free. He wants to prune me and get rid of the things in my heart and my mind that are trying to hold me captive.

In this season of silence, while your faith is being tested and fortified, can I encourage you;

Take the initiative to cultivate a deeper relationship with Him. Like Jacob (Genesis 32.22-32), fight to know Him more intimately in this season and don’t stop until you learn more. This wrestle between Jacob and God was actually such a significant moment in Jacob’s life in that God became personal to Him. God was no longer just the “God of my fathers” but in this wrestle, Jacob was given the honour of seeing God face to face (Genesis 32.31)

Build on a solid foundation. Don’t stop building in these seasons, and don’t take the Word of God for granted. The Word of God is our weapon (Ephesians 6.17) just as much as it is our anchor (Hebrews 6.19). Cultivate a discipline to be in His Word and in His presence daily. If silent seasons also indicate a stripping away kind of season (… there is a time to tear down and a time to build… Ecclesiastes 3.3) then use this time to make sure that the foundation of your next season is formed and built completely in Him and His word.

Dream about the things that He has stirred in your heart in seasons past. Ask the Holy Spirit to breath fresh life on dormant things. Dream again and allow the Lord to excite your heart for His purposes in your life. HE IS NOT DONE WITH YOU YET. We have all heard the quote “Where there’s life there’s hope” and I prophesy that over you right now. If you are feeling hopeless, if you are feeling purposeless, be reminded that our God who formed and fashioned you in your mothers womb, created you with great purpose and as long as you are breathing, He can do great things in a moment. Habakuk 2.2 tells us to “Write the vision and make it plain”- this was something my mother always encouraged me to do; to write down my dreams, the things that God had put in my heart as an act of faith and expectation.

Recognise the maturing of your faith. I truly believe that this is a mark of depth of relationship. God is taking you deeper and while there will no doubt be moments of frustration, this is a season of growth which will always be painful. He will prune you and water you in this season so be still. Seasons of silence and stillness are seasons in which growth is being outworked and you will look back at this moment of your life and recognise God’s providence in it all.

So friend, if He is currently silent, rest in Him, take comfort in this season and know that you are no doubt exactly where He needs you to be.

With love, Cailin x

Ps. If you need specific prayer in this season, please reach out. We would love to stand with and believe with you.

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