to reclaim and cultivate a passion for the Word
We are passionate about the Word of God, and our heart behind this movement is to spearhead our mission:
to reclaim and cultivate a passion for the Word.
Our hope is that FirstLove will be a space where we come back into the awe and the wonder of our First Love, Jesus. Our prayer is that through our Gospel-centred resources you will discover God’s heart, desire and design for your life, and that
it will create in you a new and fresh hunger for God’s Word.

God's passion, to have you deeply and intimately know Him, is our mission.

Between Sundays
We believe that the Gospel is meant to be free and easily accessible to all.
Between Sunday's is an online platform where we host a Bible Study with women from all around the world.

Heart To Heart
Needing help has always been a part of God's design for us. Our ask column is designed to substitute the isolation, thought swirls and heavy burdens for encouragement, wisdom, insight and community.

The FirstLove Podcast
Discover God's heart, desire and design for your life through our FirstLove Podcast. With Bible character studies, guest interviews and a host of conversations, our podcast is designed to help equip and empower you with faith, insight and perspective for your every day.
We love to connect with our community, and we would love to hear from you!
Have a question, a testimonial, or just want to say hello?
Send us an email!